Now, you can continue on with the tutorial below by just using the 'R Console' on the left-hand side of RStudio. Press escape ('esc') and hit return to get back to the " data-type="undefined" target="_blank">' prompt. If a plus sign ('+') appears while in the console, it means that R is wanting you to enter some additional information. This is where you'll type R Commands to immediately execute one command at a time.
There are only a few things you need to know about using R Studio to get through your first tutorials.Ĭlick in the 'Console' and you should see a blinking 'caret' appear next to the greater than sign (" data-type="undefined" target="_blank">'), referred to as a 'prompt'. On the bottom right is a pane that will display plots you create. On the right is a 'Workspace' panel that will show you the variables (also known as 'objects') that you are working with in R. In the left-hand pane is a 'console' window for R command. Across the top is a standard menu bar with typically menu items that we will look at in a little while.
Open RStudio and a window like the one below should open.